Your help is critical.
Please get involved regardless of WHERE you live:
Sign-up for our newsletter to stay informed on meetings, developments, and actions.
Enlist friends, neighbors, and anyone you meet on the trails – very important.
Let your elected officials know this is bad for the watershed and depletes precious open space. A letter is best (to Town Hall), call, or email.
Town Hall address: 577 Bay Road, Hamilton, MA 01936
Contact Elected Officials:
Marnie Crouch, Chair, Planning Board,
Sean Ferrell, Chair, Select Board,
Lee McCoy, Chair, Conservation Commission, contact Kristan Farr,
Contact Town Managers for information about the process, rules, etc.
Patrick Reffet, Director of Planning and Inspections, 978-626-5248,
Bruce Gingrich, Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals, contact Mary-Ellen L. Feener, Adminstrative Assistant, 978-626-5250